Unsung Hero
The Unsung Hero Award is designed to allow Exchange members to shine a well-deserved spotlight on someone in the shadows who is making a marked contribution to our port and its business community. This is your opportunity to acknowledge individuals who work hard behind the scenes to make our port more competitive, safe, secure, and environmentally healthy.
At the end of each year, we announce a call for nominations. Successful nominees are then recognized in their own featured article in our quarterly publication, The Beacon, throughout the following year.
Program Guidelines
Who is eligible? Any employee or volunteer within any Maritime Exchange member company is eligible for nomination, except as noted below. Check here if you’re unsure whether your proposed candidate is affiliated with a member company.
Selection criteria include:
- Individual is responsible for a proven achievement within his/her organization (e.g., new product or process that gains customers, saves money, etc., or development of a “best practice”);
- Individual is an “up and comer” with a demonstrable fresh approach to service in the maritime industry; and/or
- Individual has served his/her organization with extraordinary dedication and distinction over a period of time.
Winners of previous port awards (for example, Seafarer’s Friend, Spirit of the Port, Friend of Chile, Maritime Society or World Trade Association “people of the year”) are NOT eligible for the Unsung Hero Award.
What are the rules? Couldn't be more simple: Unsung Hero nominees must be Exchange members and be nominated by Exchange members.
2024 Unsung Heroes

2023 Unsung Heroes